Monday, 21 November 2011

Analysis of our Digipak

The group in which i am working in have completed our Digipak for our Music Video.
We have tried to include all the generic conventions in which you would find within a RAP video, these are as follows:
  • A dark coloured background
  • A picture of the artists who are within the song
  • The name(s) of the artists within the song
  • A barcode included on the back of the Digipak
  • The record label in which they have a contract with
  • Copyright
Within our Digipak, the above are included in which you can see with the image below.

Within our Digipak you can see that we have included the general look of a typical digipak which entails everything in which you would expect a to be included within a RAP digipak.

We chose this design because of the title of the song in which we chose to do - Airplanes. This gave us the basis of the digipak, we then worked with what we got, we have tried to include everything in which a typical digipak contains. We chose this particular image as it gave us something to work with, we changed the colour of the picture to black and white and then changed the colour of the smoke that the aircraft give off, we decided on Yellow as the general conception of shooting stars is Yellow. We have chosen two different images for the front and the bag, even though they are the same type of aircraft we have decided upon this as it keeps the continuity throughout. The inside covers however have not been given this background as we believed that if we were to do the same inside as well as out, not only would it be too busy but it may confuse some of our audience as to which is inside and which is out. We have included a picture of each of the artists who perform in the video. This is a way in which the audience can recall who sang the song, some people have trouble remembering names but not faces, this is another fact in to why we decided to put the artists on the digipak. The last reasoning behind the artists being on the digipak is the brand identity. This has been followed all the way through the digipak, the poster and the music video. Another thing in which we have included is the name of the song. This has the same reasoning behind it as the picture of the artists. The name of the artists who perform within the song has also been included, we have included this as we believe that it is an important recognition method, if people remember names and not artists faces then they can easily find the album/ single. A bar-code has been included along with the record label and the copyright paragraph as on any album/ single/ digipak, these are all included, they are a general convention of which to include on the digipak. We have decided to lay out the track listing in this way as it is a very memorable way in which to have them, it also goes along with the lyrics within the song, 'can we pretend that Airplanes, in the night sky, are like shooting stars..' this symbolises the shooting stars as well as the aircraft pictured on the background.

The spine has been designed in this way as we believe that we needed to be able to keep the same font throughout the digipak. We have also included the record label logo on the spine as we thought that it was an important feature of our digipak.

The inside of our digipak has been designed in this way so that we have all three of the artists contained within our digipak twice, the main artist is positioned on the left so the attention is on him when the digipak is opened. This is the most important way to have the layout of the digipak, the reason being is that it is promoting mainly the artist on the left, as it is his song. We have kept the background the same colour and the same image just without the aircraft on it. n the right side of the digipak we have included a picture of the other two artists so that it has the continuity throughout. They are on a smaller scale to the main artist as they are the featuring acts. This song is not their song, it is B.O.B's aka Bobby Ray. We have decided to position them within a circle shaped frame in the centre of the right hand side as this is a typical view of a photo, to be in the centre. We have decided to surround this picture with lyrics from the song, this is et another way in which brand identity can be portrayed. We have only surrounded it with the lyrics of the two performers in the middle as it wouldn't fit if they were lyrics from B.O.B.

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